Sunday, September 17, 2017

PM 102

Ideal Company and Ideal Boss

Every year, many people searching for have a job. When they search for a job, they will also choose a good company as they wishes. Good and comfortable company, will make us work well and comfortable too. So, it is very important for us to find a company like our expectations. Someone certainly has the ideal company and also the ideal boss. Here, we will describe some ideal companies and ideal boss like our wishes.

    v The five most important:
1.      Gives six months’paid maternity leave and one month paid paternity leave

            Pregnant female worker has the right to apply for maternity leave. The worker may provide verbal or written notices to management who say that she will have her child in the near future. When women workers are on maternity leave, companies still pay a salary to pregnant women workers even though they are on maternity leave

2.      Gives equal pay to women and men

Salary is something that is given to workers for having worked for a company. However, there are companies that do not provide a fair salary between women and men. So, the company must give a fair salary to all employees according to their work.

3.      Has opportunities for promotion and personal development

The company needs a worker who has good potential and quality. For that, the workers need the opportunity to for promotion and personal developmentin order to continue to improve their abilities. So, the worker will develop and promote the quality of work within the company. 

4.      Award bonuses and gives fringe benefits to employees

The ideal company will provide bonuses to workers who have been successful in helping develop and advance the productivity of the company. The bonus can be either an additional salary or a gift, like a car, house, or holiday ticket. Ideal companies also gives fringe benefits to employees.

5.      Provides at least six weeks’ training a year

The company must give provide training time for employees, so that they can do their jobs properly and in accordance with company procedures. This training is very important for the workers because they can know what to do in their work and can work the maximum without making mistakes.

    v The five least important:
1.      Has a female CEO

CEO within the company, men or women have the same job of leading the company. It is not important the CEO is men or women, they still have to be firm and disciplined in carrying out their jobs.

2.      Has a good quality canteen

Having a quality canteen at the company will be fun for the workers. But, it does not  a matter, because many workers likes to find food outside the company. They like to spend time outside than inside the company.

3.      Has a creche facility

A worker who have child may not be taken  their child to the company where their works. It will interfere with the work to be done. If someone takes their child to the company, then the worker does not fully do his job because they has to take care of their child as well. So it is not important for the company to has a creche facility.

4.      Allows women with three children to retire at 55

Female workers who have three or more children definitely have a desire for early retirement. It causes some women to retire at the age of 55 years. However, this is also determined by the company. But not all women workers want to retire early. Therefore, enabling women with three children to retire at age 55 may not be so important.

5.      Has a gym and sport facilities

Has a gym and sports facilities in the company is very fun and can be a place of entertainment for workers. At rest, they can exercise to relieve their stress during work. It can also make workers happy and able to work more excited. But gym and sports facilities do not become important because sometimes workers do not have much time to do sports.


          1.      Allow Me to Make Personal Calls at Work and Reads my E-mails

My ideal boss always communicates between himself and his employees. I believe communication personally as well as by phone and email is essential to a successful relationship between a boss and his employees. I hope my boss always read my e-mail who that i sent to him. Although he did not reply my e-mail, at least he appreciated me by reading my email.

          2.      Take Me Out to Dinner and Bring Coffee

To get a good relationship between the boss and employees, usually boss invites employees to eat or drink together once a month or every week. Therefore, I want the boss to pay attention to me by taking me out to dinner. Dinner together can make me and the boss build a good relationship. Or the boss can give coffee for me to be passionate about working.

          3.      Send Me On Trips

Some bosses within the company usually hardly ever send their employees on trips. I want my boss always invite his employees on trips. This trip can also be a boss gift to employees for their work. I hope the my boss can make plans to get his employees on trip twice a year.

          4.      Let Me Leave Early Jobs

When I have important things out of work, I want my boss to allow me to get out of work faster. Sometimes, my boss often angry to his employees when their get out of work faster. I want my boss not to be angry or maybe never angry to me when I leave work first, and kindly give me permission.

          5.      Say Thank You and Praise Me

When I do something mutually beneficial, I want my boss to say thank you for the hard work I have done. I will feel happy for what I have done for the company. I also want my boss to praise me for my work.

6.      Leave Me To Get On With My Work

          When employees are always supervised by the boss every day, employees will feel scared and do not concentrate while doing the job. Employees do not feel calm and can not work casually. For that, I want my boss trusts me to do the job so my boss does not have to always supervise of me. The boss is obliged to supervise his employees, but it would be better if the boss does not often do it. I need and i hope that my boss leave me to get on with my work.

7.      Lets Me Work From Home

    Employees usually have problems outside of work so that they can not do the job in the company. It can be a problem should keep the child, repairing damage to the house, or must keep a sick family. Then I hope that my boss is a good person when I want to work from home. Employees need permission and opportunity from the boss to be able to work from home without having to go to the office.
